Malvern Star SuperMax, Maxi and Speedwell Sting
While researching information for my '81 SuperMax, '83 Speedwell Sting and up-coming '79 5-Hole gusset builds, I got so sick of finding information then losing it again that I started copying images of bikes, parts and advertising material into a single place. To assist others, I have reproduced this information over the following pages .. most of the information can be found on OzBMX and BMXMuseum and I am not pretending that this informtion will replace either of these valuable resources.
Please browse through all of the material I have collected:
If you have any Malvern Star or Speedwell information or photos, please forward them to me and I will add them to the site. I am especially interested in brochures and advertisements as these are most valuable when restoring bikes back to their original glory.
OzBMXBandit: Series II SuperMax BMX Bandits Replica
Known as OzBMXBandit on the forums, Trent is obviously a little obsessed with the film and more importantly the distinctive black and gold Supermax that Nicole Kidman rode. This isn't the first replica he has built (view the original here) but when finished it will probably be the best example in Australia.
I have been following his thread on OzBMX and the wait has been painfull - collecting the correct parts for a build is never a quick process but when you have set your goal on NOS or mint it takes a little longer.
Inspiration from the Film
I would love to be able to say that if you haven't seen the film BMX Bandits then your life isn't complete but the reality is this film is quite forgettable. The film's plot leaves a lot to be desired however the film itself does have some good BMX scenes including plenty of stunts and bmx / car chases.
BMX Bandits was released in Australia on the 29 December 1983 and featured Nicole Kidman in her first film. It was predominantly filmed in Manly with the grave yard scenes filmed in Waverley. After grossing $124,649 at the box office in Australia, the film was released around the world including Japan and France. More information about the film can be found here.
To ensure the accuracy of the build, Trent has spent a lot of time 'freeze-framing' sections of the film to allow him to accurately identify parts.
The pads on Nicole's bike have always intrigued me. Firstly, the set is obviously for a handlebar with a straight cross-bar rather than 'V' bars on her bike and - secondly - to my knowledge Malvern Star SuperMaxes never had stem pads yet this bike has one. In the last photo, Trent has been able to identify the stem pad as a Mongoose one! Both Maurice and the Mongoose logo are visible in the picture.
Collecting the Parts
Assembling the parts for this build has taken a long time with parts coming from eBay sellers around the globe and locally from forums such as OzBMX. Some of the parts found locally include the NOS Nitto MX-2 (FluckaDuck), NOS Nitto post (also FluckaDuck), NOS Shimano Tourneys (RadPad), NOS Shimano DX levers (Rocket) and NOS Takagi cranks (Cuckoo). A quick look at the build thread shows the support Trent has received, there are numerous offers for parts and links to parts found on the Museum and on eBay.
Frame and Forks
As mentioned, Trent already has a BMX Bandits replica but upon seeing this NOS frame on eBay, he thought he could do better. The frame and forks are in beautiful condition however the forks were bought separately to the frame and therefore do not sport the correct decals. It is unfortunate that the frame and forks are not a matched pair as this makes dating the frame hard - the serial numbers on these bikes are meaningless and give no indication of age whereas the Tange forks are stamped with a manufacture date.
Trent has drawn up the decals for the forks and is currently looking for someone who can screen print them rather than print them electronically to match the frames decals.
Skyway Tuffs
By analysing stills from the movie, Trent was able to determine that Nicole's original bike had Series II Tuffs with the metal flanges. To find these wheels in NOS condition is almost impossible and the cost prohibitive thus Trent settled for reproduction Tuffs.
No sooner had he purchased the reproduction set, an original set became available on eBay and these were snapped up to replace the reproduction ones. Trent stripped out the guts, degreased both the hubs and wheels and left them to dry out. Once they dried out, he went over them with the Chux magic sponge to erase all but the most stubborn of stains. After hours of scrubbing he gave them both a couple coats of Mothers plastic / rubber restorer to bring out the original colour and eliminate that chalkiness you get with old Tuffs.
The reproduction Tuffs is in the first image with the original ones in the second and third.
Handlebars, Stem, Pads and Grips
After identifying the stem pad as a Mongoose item, the rest of the parts were easily identified through footage from the film. The WIN bars appear to be a little different from Nicole's bike: they are narrower than her's and the cross-bar appears a little lower. It is possible that the bars on her were made by either Nitto or WIN but other SuperMax models used WIN Alps bars in both CrMo and alloy.
The grips are Grab-Ons MX3. As with most parts on this build, these are getting rare as even when new the foam grips were known to last a very short time and would perish in the elements. Thanks go to FluckaDuck for the amazing NOS Nitto MX2 stem - I have four of these stems and I know how hard they are to find in mint condition and I also know how much this example would cost - ouch!
The Shimano DX levers are my favourite and feature on both of my SuperMax builds. Rather than pull on the cable as traditional levers do, DX levers are designed to 'push' or squeeze the outer casing of the cable instead resulting in a different feel when braking.
Seat, Post and Clamp
Trent learnt a valuable lesson when procuring the Kashimax Aero seat for this build. The terms 'New Old Stock' and simply 'New' are often used interchangeably by the ignorant and those looking to profit from others ignorance. When Trent's first Kashimax seat arrived, he quickly discovered it was a newly manufactured item rather than the original he was sold. All credit to the seller who immediately refunded the money when alerted to his mistake however I wonder if he knew and was simply hoping that the Trent would not?
The seat post also came from FluckaDuck and is a NOS Nitto post - extremely rare nowadays as most of these have ended up on Kuwahara rebuilds. The Tange seat clamp is one of two tracked down for the build. The original clamp did not fit the SuperMax frame an Trent located a second example only to find it did not fit the frame either! Turns out that the frame was probably a little flared at the top and with a little coaxing the clamp was made to fit.
Pedals, Cranks, Brakes and other bits
To some, Shimano DX pedals are the best '80s pedals available and the price these attract reflect that belief and their scarcity. Finding a set of NOS Shimano DX pedals in Gold was always going to be difficult but to find a set in 1/2" rather than the more common 9/16" would seem near impossible. After missing out on a set in the UK, Trent found a set in the US and mortgaged his house to buy this set. When they arrived, they were still in the original packaging and had very little shelf-ware.
SuperMaxes came with either Takagi Tourney 3pc cranks or a Takagi 1pc crank. Most one piece cranks featured the large alloy chainguard as seen here but Trent was able to identify that Nicole's bike used the light-weight chainring that was fitted to some models, such as the Malvern Star SuperMax Turbo. Read the Malvern Star Turbo review from Pancake magazine here.
The Shimano Tourney brakes came from RadPad who seems to have found a stash of these in NOS condition somewhere in Hobart. These brakes were available with and without a quick release lever that allows the calipers to be opened and the wheels removed without tools - perfect for a quick change of tyres in the event of a puncture or to swap the rear cog ratio (altough this assumes that you do not need to adjust the wheel position to take or or loosed the chain and therefore need to adjust the brake pads). Trent is on the lookout for a NOS set of brake caps that protect the center bolt of the caliper - these are relatively easy to find for Dia Compe calipers but are unfortunately stamped DC. I have never seen a set of these and I have had four or five sets of NOS brakes with some arriving in the original packaging. The early 1980 Malvern Star catalogue (reproduced here) clearly shows them fitted to the bikes.
Work in Progress
Although not complete, Trent has provided the following pictures. As you can see the bike is coming together nicely but he is still waiting on a couple of items including printing decals for the forks and getting the chainring annodised gold.
What Next?
Once complete, Trent has promised to do a proper photo shoot. My guess though is that this bike will not be ridden - its simply too good!
Anything to say?
Extra Info / Links
 | | Have you ever wished that you could go back in time to the late 70's and early 80's when you could walk into a newsagency and see the latest issues of BMX Action, BMX Plus, Super BMX and Freestylin' in the racks as crisp and clean as the day they were printed? If you said yes to any of these questions, this is the site for you ..
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BMX Works This site has everything you will ever need to restore an old school bmx from loose parts - nuts, bolts and bearings - through to complete brake sets, cranks sets and finishing parts, such as pad sets and decals.
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Madman's BMX Painting Services Pete's work is second to none. I have two frames painted by him - a Hotfoot Freestyle in white and a Hotfoot 24" Cruiser in Hazard Yellow - and both have come out beautifully. Pete can also handle the stripping of paint and chrome and other prep work.
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Re-Rides Sydney Australia based BMX restoration and photography. Rebuilding retro BMX bikes from 80's old-school, 90's mid-school and 00's new-school era's.
| | SDBMX SDBMX sells a distinctive range of cast alloy BMX rims that will finish of any old-school, mid-school or even new-school build. Styles include the Blizzard, Cyclone, Hurricane, Tornado and Typhoon.

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Vintage Mongoose Anyone who is interested in Mongooses (Mongeese?) has probably already found this site. When I was restoring my Motomag, I found this site invaluable for information and reproductions decals and grips. Warren, who is behind this site, is a local who is passionate - no obsessive - about the Mongoose brand and it shows.
Recent Updates
Dec 2017, Hall of Fame Lewis' latest build shows how good a bike can look with quality reproduction parts.
Mar 2017, Hall of Fame Robert's Series II SuperMax looks at home amongst his collection of vintage '80s boom boxes.
Jan 2017, Pad Sets Another addition to the pad set - a NOS set of SuperMax pads for a 5 Hole!
Oct 2016, Hall of Fame Shane's collection of original SuperMax and Speedwells covers 5-Hole, Series II and CrMo models. All feature original pad sets, the ubiquitous MX-2 stem and enough Shimano / Takagi gear to start a museum!
Feb 2016, Hall of Fame Dave's yellow and red CrMo is no carpet queen as these pics at the Lalor BMX track show. His ride features a host of new parts including a Nitto MX-2 Stem, Dia Compe MX-1000 brakes and Tech 4 levers mated to an original frame and fork combination and pad set.
Apr 2016, Hall of Fame Other than adding a pair of front brake pads, Jimmy Boy hasn't touched this survivor Series II SuperMax. As Jimmy describes it, its "the best Supermax survivor in Australia ..."
Feb 2016, Flotsam and Jetsam At only eleven years old, Scott Henrick shows no fear as he prepares on his silver / red 5 Hole for his first race at Sandgate in 1983(ish). On race day, he borrowed the helmet and gear from Scott Luscombe (anyone know what became of him?). Unfortunately, BMX racing and football were on at the same time and footy won out !
Jan 2016, eBay Purchase Bought this set of NOS Maxi Freestyle pads off eBay in December but have only just had a chance to take a photo of them. Nice and clean but with a few shelf-ware marks on them ..
Jan 2016, Hall of Fame Scratchydogs (Clarke) has submitted a couple of Hotfeet already to this site but this is his first SuperMax - a tribute to Judy's bike in BMX Bandits but in 5 Hole form!
Dec 2015, eBay Listing This NOS CrMo Frame and Fork set was listed on eBay this month for a reasonable $600 - not bad considering how rare a NOS frameset must be. If the forks are an original match for the frame, this dates the bike around December 1980 (Tange date stamp 0L).
Dec 2015, Hall of Fame The amazing finish on custom Jason's 5 Hole is a purple pearl powder that was mixed in with the clear that goes well with the (new school) tyres..
Oct 2015, Collections Jason has 5 SuperMaxes and Maxis on this site ranging from beautifully restored, factory originals to unashamed riders. View his collection to see if any new ones have been added over the last day or two.
Apr 2015, Hall of Fame Not content to build another BMX Bandits replica, Lewis' has put a spin on the traditional black and yellow colour scheme by substituting anodised gold partsot give this bike a totally different, really clean and even a modern look. But everything is original - down to the correct Shimano calipers and levers, Takagi crank and chainwheel and KKT pedals. Nicely done!
Mar 2015, Hall of Fame This bikes is nicely finished with the original pad set that allows the front brake cable to pass through it and the pots-mod stem. I am not sure whether these bikes came with front and rear brakes - as they have a coaster tab - but Clarke has fitted his with matching Chang Star Freestyle 980 brakes.
Dec 2014, Hall of Fame Not another black and gold SuperMax! Scotty's Series II example is original right down to the the OGK grips and original Tuff reflectors. Other original parts include the KKT lightnings, Nitto MXII stem, Takagi cranks and chainguard, Tange seat clamp and Win bars. Beautiful!
Nov 2014, Hall of Fame Hot on the heels of his Series II BMX Bandit replica (below) is another beautiful example from David. This too has been restored using NOS and re-finished parts including those beautiful Takagi Tourney cranks and matching chain guard, Shimano Tourney callipers and pre-bent levers and original Series II Tuffs. David is chasing down some minty KKT Lightning pedals and a slightly smaller handlebar pads to complete this build. Can anyone help?
Nov 2014, Hall of Fame David's BMX Bandit replica is a nice blend of original, NOS, restored and new parts. The frame was powder-coated before being fitted with some of Lixy's decals and fitted to original Tange TRX forks. A number of parts were re-anno'd by Benny at Strike a Shine including the WIN handlebars, Tange seat clamp and Takagi Chain guard.
Oct 2014, Hall of Fame Lewis owned a similar '79 blue and white SuperMax for 30 years until it was stolen. He replaced it with this pristine Series II example that he bought from BMXWorks with the intention of replacing the reproduction parts with NOS.
Feb 2014, Hall of Fame Clayton took a 24" Apollo cruiser and turned it into a unique 5 Hole 24" Cruiser and then fitted 'catalogue' correct parts that make it look like the bike that Malvern Star never made!
Jan 2014, Hall of Fame Jason started the rebuild of his '84 looptail Maxi with the intention of keeping it original but then decided to add the parts he always wanted as a kid.
Jan 2014, Hall of Fame Not content with just one pristine SuperMax, BMXWorks has built up a second SuperMax in white with red accessories to match - and there is a third one in blue on the way!
Dec 2013, Hall of Fame Not just another BMX Bandits bike - Two Hip's Series II SuperMax is nearly all original, from the ALPs bars, Nitto MX2 Stem, Shimano callipers and pre-bent levers right down to the NOS pad set!
Nov 2013, Hall of Fame As a proud sponsor of OzBMX and online store owner, BMXWorks has access to a lot of new and reproduction parts - but don't be fooled this bike has more NOS and restored parts than not.
Aug 2013, Hall of Fame The black and gold colour scheme of JV911's SuperMax could be mistaken for another 'BMX Bandit' replica but unlike the colour scheme on those bikes that shouts 'look at me', the gold trim on this CrMo is used sparingly to great effect!.
Jul 2013, Hall of Fame Speedwell Sting has built a replica of his childhood bike with the only differences being an original set of Tuff IIs and the proper Speedwell pad set.
Dec 2012, Hall of Fame Alf's '85 Freestyle is totally original with the exception of the rims which appear to the be the correct candy-coated steel items. What a pain it must be to try to keep those tyres clean!
Nov 2012, Hall of Fame Archie's 5 Hole SuperMax has been restored in a distinctive 'Superman' colour scheme using some high quality parts including Tuff 2s, Shimano 600 cranks and an MX2 Stem.
Nov 2012, Restorations Trent has almost completed his BMX Bandits tribute build. This has been a long time in the making but the result is worth it, its totally NOS and exactly like Nicoles.
Sep 2012, Hall of Fame Featuring a 'rattle can' Metalcast paint finish and gold annodised parts, Jock's CrMo shows that if prepare a frame carefully the finished result can look better than powder! The bike is almost complete and waiting on only a few more parts - gold pedals, gold MX2 and WIN bars.
Aug 2012, For Sale I have been getting a lot of Hotfoot pad sets made recently and though I would let my man have a go at a set of Malvern Star SuperMax Series II pads. These will go on my next build - a baby blue frame with black accessories.
Aug 2012, Catalogues The November '82 edition of the French BMX magazine Bicross carried an article on the Australian BMX scene. Featured at the end of the article is this overview of the Series II SuperMax.
Aug 2012, BMX Bandits The July '84 edition of the French BMX magazine Bicross featured a review of the 1983 Australian film, The BMX Bandits.
Jul 2012, Hall of Fame Occy restored his bike with a fresh coat of white paint, new decals and blue anodised accessories.
Jun 2012, Flotsam and Jetsam I picked up this decal of eBay - it appears to be a sticker for a Malvern Star dealer to put on their window or display cabinets to advertise the (then) new SuperMax CrMo. Like the bike decals, it is printed on silver foil and is approximately 9.5cm in diameter.
Jun 2012, Hall of Fame When restoring his Series II SuperMax JV911 must have consulted Zuno555 when choosing a colour scheme .. the end result of black and red is stunning!
Jun 2012, Hall of Fame MuckPuppy has submitted photos of his Maxi. Finished in orange with red accessories, the colour scheme sounds like it should clash but the inclusion of white Tuffs breaks it up them nicely!
May 2012, Flotsam and Jetsam Hot on the heels of Rob Milne's old school photos come these three from Phil Kaye. They show his black and gold 5Hole SuperMax being put through its paces on a track.
May 2012, Flotsam and Jetsam Zuno555's cousin Rob has submitted some great photo that show exactly what a 1981 SuperMax looked like back in the day .. the third photo shows Rob scoping out a new sheep run on their farm in Hamilton, VIC and dreaming about how he could turn it into a BMX track!
May 2012, Restorations Zuno555 has submitted a series of photos detailing the build of his Series II Maxi. As with most builds, this one is not finished and he is currently locating parts to convert it a full SuperMax.
May 2012, Hall of Fame OzBMXBandit's 1981 "BMX Bandits" inspired SuperMax has incredible attention to detail from the beautifully annodised Takagi chainring guard through to the original flick bell.
Apr 2012, For Sale Lixy has prepared artwork for the Malvern Star 5 Hole Gusset SuperMax. These decals are highly accurate and are professionally printed to ensure top quality.
Feb 2012, Hall of Fame Kristina has submitted photos of her original SuperMax CrMo. It has what looks like a '1' stamped into the bottom bracket with no other serial number or Redline oval .. is this a really early CrMo?
Other Bikes
Below are some of my other completed bikes. I am currently working on a couple of local Australian bikes and I will publish pictures of these when they are complete.
If you have a bike that you don't want and you are in Australia, contact me as I may be interested in restoring it!