Repco Hotfoot

While researching information for my '85 Team Hotfoot and up-coming '82 Team Hotfoot build, I got so sick of finding information then losing it again that I started copying images of bikes, parts and advertising material into a single place. To assist others, I have reproduced this information over the following pages .. most of the information can be found on OzBMX and BMXMuseum and I am not pretending that this informtion will replace either of these valuable resources.

Please browse through all of the material I have collected:

If you have any Hotfoot information or photos, please forward them to me and I will add them to the site. I am especially interested in brochures and advertisements as these are most valuable when restoring bikes back to their original glory.



Swade Industries / Todd Troutman
This article is reproduced with permission from Swade Industries and Todd Troutman. The original article can be viewed here.

I was first alerted to this build from a polishing thread in OzBMX. One quick look at the site showed that this build was something special - its his childhood bike (not the original but the same model) and it has been restored to better than original condition.

As his site proclaims, Todd is a talented and ambitious designer who offers a unique set of design skills with a unique eye for the smallest detail and is always seeking new and exciting challenges. That attention to detail is evident in this build .. enjoy!

Todd Troutman: '85 Schwin Predator Streetwise


In Todd's word " .. complete OE / show restoration of 1985 Schwinn Predator Streetwise. This was my first bike I had as a kid, and probably the main reason for my OCD and obsession to detail that I have today. Total investment: $2000 and roughly 50+ hours of grinding, sanding, polishing, and assembly. "

December 1986. My sister and I's very first ride on our brand new bikes. Only known photo I have of the bike .. and I spent over a year looking for it. I still can't figure out how my head can be twice as big yet my glasses half the size today, than they were in this photo !

December 2013. Same bike, same exact location 27 years later.
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Frame Restoration
Purchased November 2011 (frame / fork / handlebars / seat post / seat post clamp). The bike was located it less than 10 miles from my house. Biggest mistake was not buying a complete bike .. took over a year to source all the remaining OE parts. Overall the condition was fairly good on the the original chrome. With a possible OA bath (Oxalic Acid) and some #0000 steel wool with Blue Magic chrome polish, it would have cleaned up pretty well. However given the importance of this bike to me, I opted to have it completely re-chromed.

Parts wrapped and ready to be sent out for chrome plating. (sourced: OE front sprocket / OE crank / OE stem / handlebar clamp / OE wheels. All parts were sent to Chromemasters)

Date stamp dropout before / after chrome plating. Manufactured date of January 1985.

Chainstay and hub before / after chrome plating.

Seat stay and brake bridge before / after chrome plating.

Seat post seatstay before / after chrome plating.

Bottom bracket before / after chrome plating.

Handlebars before / after chrome plating.

Handlebars before / after chrome plating.

Chromer failed to chrome plate the upper portion of the fork. Before / after wire wheel, sanding and polishing.

Fork before / after chrome plating.

Fork dropouts before / after chrome plating.

Seat post before / after chrome plating.
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Cranks and Bottom Bracket Restoration
Like many bikes in the Giant range, the Schwinn came with a Tien Hsin bottom bracket, Sugino BMX-4 steel spider and steel crankset. Todd swapped the cheap Suginos for better SR Cosmolite cranks before completely restoring the chrome and metal finishes. Finally, Todd has reproduced the front spider's graphics.

Bottom bracket hardware before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing.

Bottom bracket hardware before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing.

Bottom bracket hardware before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing.

Crank before / after chrome. Bottom bracket hardware before after sanding and mirror polishing.

Crank center - chromer failed to chrome plate this area - before / after wire wheel and polishing.

Front sprocket before / after chrome plating.

Front sprocket chainring before / after chrome plating.

Personally made crank graphics, and fully assembled crank with NOS Sugino chainring fasteners.

Completed cranks, sprocket and chainring finished with a NOS 80s Izumi chain with hand polished links. It took me over a year to find a blue Izumi chain that wasn't beaten. I actually located this one in the UK. Unfortunately a few links had been removed by the seller, so now I have to source a smaller chainring!
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Brakes / Fittings
The Schwinn Predator Streetwise came factory-equipped with Dia Compe MX900 callipers and Tech IV levers. Todd has opted for affordable, reproduction MX1000 callipers and Tech III levers but has finished the parts to an exceptionally high standard.

Brake cable ends before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing.

Brake caliper components and hardware before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing.

NOS Dia-Compe brake pads hand sanded and mirror polished.

Brake cable adjuster before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing - note the clear reflection of the faucet and paper towel holder.

Flush cut, sanded and mirror polished fastener ends. For me this can make or break the finish level of a project - too often I see people over looking fasteners. Nothing shows your level of detail, or OCD, like flush cut fasteners and aligned nuts!

Brake caliper mounts before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing (still some polishing compound in the threads).
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SR Stem Restoration
The Schwinn Predator Streetwise came factory-equipped with an SR MS-424 stem. As with everything else on the bike, Todd has restored this to better than original finish.

Stem before / after chrome plating. Flush cut, sanded and mirror polished fastener ends (same as every fastener on the bike).

Stem fastener before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing.

Stem wedge before / after wire brush and painting.

Handlebar clamp before / after sand-blasting and 2 stage painting (base/clear).

Handlebar clamp before / after sand-blasting and 2 stage painting (base/clear).

Clamp fasteners before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing (all grade markings sanded out). Fully assembled clamp.
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Hubs and Wheel Restoration
The Schwinn Predator Streetwise came with unique CMC steel rims that look like Mongoose Pro-Class rims with the exception that the punched holes are oval rather than circular. Theses are laced to low-spec Jou Yu steel-bodied, low flange hubs .. but don't they look great finished!

Before / after full hand sanding and mirror polishing (axle / bearing cones / jam nuts).

Before / after full hand sanding and mirror polishing (axle / bearing cones / jam nuts).

Before / after full hand sanding and mirror polishing (axle / bearing cones / jam nuts).

Before / after front & rear hubs - original candy coat stripped and repainted candy blue.

Pre hub assembly.

Before / after hub assembly.

Front axle washer before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing.

Wheel rim before / after rust removal and chrome plating.

Before / after reflective blue wheel strip.

Before / after assembled wheel.
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Odds and Sods
No part on this bike escapes Todd's attention - even parts like the headset hardware that once assembled is completely hidden!

Headset hardware before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing.

Front reflector bracket before / after chrome plating.

Rear reflector bracket before / after hand sanding and mirror polishing (all casting / forming marks sanded out).

Foreman scraper (with "modified tooth") proved quite useful in sanding inner radius.

Seat guts before / after grinding, hand sanding and mirror polishing (finished polished guts shown with old seat).
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Final Assembly
The fun part - the bike was completed with a mix of reproduction and NOS parts.

Random parts shipment day (brake levers / brake callipers / SS brake cable / trans blue cable casing / chain / NOS top tube pad / NOS chain ring fasteners).

NOS Viscount Aero seat.

NOS AME bubble font grips.

NOS 16T Suntour freewheel.

Before / after original decals applied.

Before / after original decals applied.

First / last day on the stand.

As it sits on display in the studio.

As it sits on display in the studio. These images are a little out-dated. Im currently trying to get a photoshoot done in Jan/Feb 2014.
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Advantages of being a Bachelor
The joys of being a bachelor! As you may have gathered from the sequence of pictures, the bike was basically assembled inside.

Bachelor advantage #347 ... using entire kitchen as restoration station (seat gut sanding shown).

Cleaning out seat tube after chrome plating - again in the kitchen!
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BMA Action '85 Schwinn Predator Streetwise Review
The following review appeared in the September 1985 edition of BMX Action magazine. The review is glowing and is summed up nicely .. When you consider the cost of the bike, then take into account the cool handling, stylin' looks, good durability, and choice of regular chrome or the extra-fine black chrome, this pup is hot.



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 Anything to say?
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Comments :

Extra Info / Links  Have you ever wished that you could go back in time to the late 70's and early 80's when you could walk into a newsagency and see the latest issues of BMX Action, BMX Plus, Super BMX and Freestylin' in the racks as crisp and clean as the day they were printed? If you said yes to any of these questions, this is the site for you ..

   BMX Works  This site has everything you will ever need to restore an old school bmx from loose parts - nuts, bolts and bearings - through to complete brake sets, cranks sets and finishing parts, such as pad sets and decals.

   Madman's BMX Painting Services  Pete's work is second to none. I have two frames painted by him - a Hotfoot Freestyle in white and a Hotfoot 24" Cruiser in Hazard Yellow - and both have come out beautifully. Pete can also handle the stripping of paint and chrome and other prep work.

   Re-Rides  Sydney Australia based BMX restoration and photography. Rebuilding retro BMX bikes from 80's old-school, 90's mid-school and 00's new-school era's.

   SDBMX  SDBMX sells a distinctive range of cast alloy BMX rims that will finish of any old-school, mid-school or even new-school build. Styles include the Blizzard, Cyclone, Hurricane, Tornado and Typhoon.

Blizzard Cyclone Hurricane Tornado Typhoon

   Vintage Mongoose  Anyone who is interested in Mongooses (Mongeese?) has probably already found this site. When I was restoring my Motomag, I found this site invaluable for information and reproductions decals and grips. Warren, who is behind this site, is a local who is passionate - no obsessive - about the Mongoose brand and it shows.