The Hex

Source        GitHub Source
Zip             Hex File

The Hex consists of three games inspired by the humble hexagon:


Place the shapes available in the right-hand toolbox onto the play field to create lines of four or more gems. Lines can be either horizontal, diagonal or both with longer lines scoring more points! Rotate the shapes in the toolbox before placing them on the play field


You have two minutes to score as many points as possible by" rotating the gems highlighted by your cursor to match colours. Create a flower - a coloured gem surrounded by six gems of another colour - to score big! Clearing eight or more of a single colour in a move will add time back to the clock allowingyou to continue scoring.


Score points by rotating gems to create clusters of three gems of the same colour. The three gems must be touching each other. Create a flower - a coloured gem surrounded by six gems of another colour - to reveal the coveted Silver Gem! Create a flower of Silver Gems to reveal a Black Pearl and, finally, make a flower from six Black Pearls to complete the game. Watch the number of moves you have left to ensure you do not run out!


Installation Instructions

This game consists of a POP file and supporting sound assets packaged in a .zip file. Please expand the contents into a directory on you computer - you will see a POP file and a sub-directory called music. Please ensure both the .POP file and folder are copied to the root directory of your SD card.

Depending on what other games are installed on your Pokitto, you may already have a sub-directory called /music on your machine. If prompted, simply merge the contents of the The Hex directory with the folder already on your machine. The names of the file are unique and should not clash!