Dark Ritual

Source        GitHub Source
Zip             Zip File

You are Zakarël, the leader of the Moon cult. You and all your followers have been murdered and your souls have been trapped in a underworld hell by one of the dark gods. Even dead your soul is willing to fight its way back, ascend and bring back you and your followers to life.


Level Editor

We are also proud to announce the release of a level editor to go with Dark Ritual. This tool will allow you to alter the levels that come with the game or to add your own! Details can be found here

Installation Instructions

This game consists of a POP file and supporting sound assets packaged in a .zip file. Please expand the contents into a directory on you computer - you will see a POP file and a sub-directory called music. Please ensure both the .POP file and folder are copied to the root directory of your SD card.

Depending on what other games are installed on your Pokitto, you may already have a sub-directory called /music on your machine. If prompted, simply merge the contents of the Dark Ritual directory with the folder already on your machine. The names of the file are unique and should not clash!