1944 Return to Midway

Source        GitHub Source
Hex            Hex File

A remake of the classic Capcom game.

During play: D-Pad controls the plane, A to shoot and B to roll the plane and avoid enemy bullets.
Introduction: B to toggle sound, Left or Right to change levels. Game Over: Up and Down to reset scores.

Level 1 is capped at 30 games. Level 2 is capped at 60 games. Level 3 goes forever!

Special Thanks
I had a lot of help along the way from Pharap. He answered many dumb questions - especially with regards to pointers pointing to arrays of images in PROGMEM - and the occasional intelligent ones. Oh right, the intelligent questions were the rhetorical ones he asked himself! Thanks for your help.


Play Online!

Thanks to brow1067, you can now experience the entire game - including sounds - in a web browser. Click below to start playing but be warned, there are sounds!