Galaxy Fighters
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Zip Hex File
Galaxy Fighter is a fixed shooter game where the player mans a lone star fighter at the bottom of the screen and must prevent the enemy forces from destroying all of mankind. The objective of each stage is to defeat all of the aliens, which will fly in formation from the top and sides of the screen. Aliens will dive towards the player while shooting down projectiles; colliding with either projectiles or aliens will result in a life being lost.
You may be familiar with a similar game from the '80s. in many respects the game is identical to this classic.
Installation Instructions
This game consists of a POP file and supporting sound assets packaged in a .zip file. Please expand the contents into a directory on you computer - you will see a POP file and a sub-directory called music. Please ensure both the .POP file and folder are copied to the root directory of your SD card.
Depending on what other games are installed on your Pokitto, you may already have a sub-directory called /music on your machine. If prompted, simply merge the contents of the Galaxy Fighter directory with the folder already on your machine. The names of the file are unique and should not clash!
Special Thanks
Special thanks to @jonne, @Hanski, bl_ackrain, @FManga, @carbonacat, @HomineLudens and a host of others who helped with issues big and small. Most of them were my own lack of knowledge on this great little platform.
Installation Instructions
This game consists of a POP file and supporting sound assets packaged in a .zip file. Please expand the contents into a directory on you computer - you will see a POP file and a sub-directory called music. Please ensure both the .POP file and folder are copied to the root directory of your SD card.
Depending on what other games are installed on your Pokitto, you may already have a sub-directory called /music on your machine. If prompted, simply merge the contents of the The Hex directory with the folder already on your machine. The names of the file are unique and should not clash!