Oh Hell

Source                        GitHub Source
Distribution for FX        Arduboy File
Distribution for Mini     Arduboy File

It summer and its as hot as hell. Oh Hell is a trick based card game that is perfect to play while sipping a piña colada. Does it have anything else to do with summer? Not really… I have tried to include some ‘big’ graphics and effects - the hell fire on the titles & pause menu and the rotating cards when dealing.


How to Play

After dealing cards to the players, a single card is turned over to indicate trumps. Beginning with the player left of the dealer and continuing clockwise, players make a bid as to how many tricks they believe they can take. Players cannot pass but can bid zero, believing they will not make any tricks. The player left of the dealer leads the first trick and play moves clockwise. Players must follow the lead suit if possible. The highest card wins the trick.


If a player makes the exact number of tricks they bid, they receive 10 points plus the number of tricks bid. If a player makes under or over the number of tricks they bid, they receive a point per trick.

Subsequent Rounds

In round one of play, each player is dealt 10 cards. In subsequent rounds the cards are decreased to 1 then increased back to 10 at which point the game concludes. The winner is the player with the most points at the end of play.

Play Online!

Thanks to brow1067, you can now experience the entire game - including sounds - in a web browser. Click below to start playing but be warned, there are sounds!