Installing Games

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Revision as of 04:00, 16 June 2024 by Filmote (talk | contribs)
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The process for installing games on your Arduboy is dependant on the variant you have. Older Arduboys can only support a single game whereas new FX and Mini variants are equipped with a flash chip that allows it to store many games at once and these are made accessible by a menu when the unit id first turned on.

Installing a Single Game

Applies to all Arduboy variants.

There are many different ways to install a single game onto the Arduboy. Ultimately, they all achieve the same result but use different tools ...

Installing a Single Game using the Arduino IDE

When developing an [[Arduino game

Updating an Arduboy's Cart

Applies to the Arduboy FX, Arduboy Mini and homegrown variants that have an FX extension.