What is the Arduboy

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Arduboy is both a device you can buy and an open specification(verification needed) for an Arduino-powered 8-bit gaming device. Think "open-source modern gameboy".

It comes in various configurations, with the most common being the Arduboy FX. This configuration gives you a credit-card-sized game system with the ability to store up to 16MiB of programs, called Sketches. Other configurations (such as the Original and older) didn't come with this extra storage and can only play one game at a time. See Determining Hardware(section needed) to figure out which device you have.



All Arduboys are built around an Arduino Leonardo board, which has an ATmega32u4 microcontroller. This gives it:

  • 16Mhz 8-bit CPU
  • 2.5KiB RAM
  • 32KiB Flash (program memory)
  • Options for 2-4KiB protected Bootloader
  • Various IO pins for input, screen, etc


Arduboys are designed to use a 128x64 black and white (1 bit) display. Many Arduboy devices use a screen capable of running in a limited grayscale mode; you may see some games designed to take advantage of this.

All premade Arduboys use a black and white OLED panel, typically the SSD1306, which is capable of using the aforementioned grayscale mode.


Arduboys are designed to use 6 buttons: 4 cardinal direction inputs (d-pad) and two buttons (A and B). The Arduboy also has either a micro USB or USB-C port for flashing games and providing limited control over the system.

Additional Storage

Without "external storage" (external to the Arduino board, not generally something you insert or attach), the Arduboy is only capable of storing and running 1 game at a time, from its onboard 32KiB flash. The Arduboy FX and Arduboy Mini both have an additional 16MiB NAND flash soldered on, often referred to as just the FX chip, which allows the Arduboy to select from any game stored in a Flashcart.

This started as a mod chip for the original Arduboy, hence the name "FX chip", and eventually became part of the prebuilt system, now called the Arduboy FX. An original Arduboy modded with the FX chip is functionally equivalent to an Arduboy FX.

Arduboy Variants